Diagnostics World News | May featured news, products, and partnerships from around the diagnostics community from numerous companies, universities, and organizations, including FNIH, Foundation Medicine, Certara, and more.
May 27, 2020
Diagnostics World News | Healthcare providers across the country have unexpectedly become part of a forced natural experiment in rapid telemedicine deployment that will be providing answers about the technology’s potential, limitations and unintended consequences.
May 26, 2020
Diagnostics World News | A proposed point-of-care diagnostics platform would use either nanoparticles or magnetic levitation to diagnose COVID-19 infection and assess future risk. An online COVID Digital Pathology Repository. These and other news are included as we round up the week’s research and industry news for COVID-19.
May 22, 2020
Diagnostics World News | Four years ago, a small group of hospitalists launched TeleHealth Solution to address identified issues in the existing healthcare delivery model—among them, a shortage of physicians at Critical Access Hospitals in small towns across America and fractionated, disruptive care for patients in skilled nursing facilities.
May 19, 2020