Diagnostics World News | A medical technology startup based in Auckland, New Zealand, expects its pioneering Gastric Alimetry wearable device for diagnosing gut disorders will one day do for gastroenterology what ECG testing for heart abnormalities has done for cardiology.
Oct 20, 2022
Diagnostics World News | A University of Birmingham research team is developing a rapid diagnostic test for gum disease, a tool they foresee assisting in the early detection of heart and lung disease, type 2 diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Oct 19, 2022
Diagnostics World News | A team of French and Canadian investigators found that smartwatches often misdiagnose atrial fibrillation patients with at least one preexisting heart condition, insinuating that smartwatches may not be as smart as we think.
Oct 18, 2022
Diagnostics World News | A team of Swedish researchers from Uppsala and Lund Universities created the first large-scale microbial atlas, linking gut microbiota to specific metabolites and their potential health impact on humans.
Oct 13, 2022