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  • Microchip With At-Home Diagnostic Potential

    Diagnostics World News| A first-of-its-kind microfluidic diagnostic device that eliminates the usual liquid handling steps could enable pathogen detection, as well as gene sequencing, outside of a lab setting involving a lot of equipment and personnel. The small, no-frills chip is being developed by electrical and computer engineers at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.

    May 17, 2022
  • Sequencing-Based Initiative Now Exploring How Best To Return The Findings

    Diagnostics World | A pioneering program of Geisinger Health System has returned clinically actionable results from exome sequencing to a record-breaking 3,400 individuals at increased risk for potentially life-threatening conditions such as hereditary breast and colon cancers, familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), and heart disease. The MyCode Community Health Initiative, enabled by a 2014 agreement with Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, draws from participants in a sizable DNA biobank who agree to the sequencing and results reporting.

    May 11, 2022