MANCHESTER, UNITED KINGDOM - Oct 5, 2016 - Network with over 250 delegates representing leading biotech companies, global pharma organisations and internationally renowned academic institutions
Oct 5, 2016
DALLAS, TX - Sep 20, 2016 - The Golden Toast represents bipartisan politics at its finest. It is an evening when members of Congress from both sides of the aisle demonstrate a commitment to some of the most vulnerable members of society – children who are fighting cancer
Sep 20, 2016
PITTSBURGH, PA - Aug 3, 2016 - Curable, a non-profit research accelerator that applies engineering approaches to medicine to develop solutions for rare diseases, today announced that its Chief Executive Officer Lisa Boyette, MD, PhD, has been named a 2016 PharmaVOICE 100 honoree
Aug 3, 2016
MUNICH, GERMANY - Aug 2, 2016 - Definiens, the pioneer in Tissue Phenomics solutions for diagnostics development and commercialization, today announced the release of its Clinical Development Offering, making the company the premier provider of comprehensive tissue-based services from discovery to commercialization
Aug 2, 2016
MUNICH, GERMANY - Jul 26, 2016 - Definiens, the pioneer in Tissue Phenomics solutions for diagnostics development and commercialization, today announced the release of the Tissue Studio 4
Jul 26, 2016
PITTSBURGH, PA - Jul 21, 2016 - Curable, a non-profit research accelerator that applies engineering approaches to medicine, today announced that its annual GAME CHANGER Gala will be held from 5:30-10 p
Jul 21, 2016
MUNICH, GERMANY - Jul 19, 2016 - Definiens, the pioneer in Tissue Phenomics solutions for diagnostics development and commercialization and Indivumed, GmbH, based in Hamburg, Germany announced today a strategic partnership to offer a unique combination of tissue-based biomarker validation and assay development with Definiens Cognition Network Technology® for image analysis and data mining
Jul 19, 2016
MILFORD, MA - Jul 14, 2016 - SeraCare Life Sciences, a manufacturer and leading partner to global in vitro diagnostics manufacturers, and the U
Jul 14, 2016
PITTSBURGH, PA - Jul 6, 2016 - SAVE JON, a non-profit research accelerator that applies engineering approaches to medicine, today announced that it is relaunching as Curable
Jul 6, 2016
AUSTIN, TX - Jun 27, 2016 - Bioo Scientific recently launched the NEXTflex BRCA1 and BRCA2 Amplicon Panel for FFPE Illumina-Compatible Sequencing, for the detection of clinically relevant somatic mutations in DNA isolated from FFPE samples, to facilitate variant discovery and confirmation
Jun 27, 2016
NEEDHAM, MA, UNITED STATES - May 26, 2016 - Cambridge Healthtech Institute (CHI) announces its inaugural DNA Forensics conference will take place on August 23-24, 2016 at the Hyatt Washington Hotel in Washington, DC-as part of the Next Generation Dx Summit
May 26, 2016
BOSTON, MA, UNITED STATES - May 20, 2016 - Quanterix Corporation, a leader in the transformation of healthcare through its ultrasensitive single molecule testing capabilities, today announced the recipient of its first annual Accelerator Grant Program and a call for proposals for its second grant, focused on oncology research
May 20, 2016
MUNICH, GERMANY - May 10, 2016 - Definiens, the pioneer in Tissue Phenomics® solutions for diagnostics development, has announced findings from the International Symposium, a sold-out gathering of international researchers and clinicians on April 27-28 in Boston, Massachusetts to discuss advancements in oncology and the application of Tissue Phenomics
May 10, 2016
LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND - May 9, 2016 - Novigenix SA today announced the publication of a clinical validation study of Colox in the highly ranked journal
Clinical Cancer Research
May 9, 2016
LONDON, UK - Mar 21, 2016 - ~~For immediate release 21 March 2016
ANGLE plc (“the Company”)
Potential for a simple blood test to not only detect prostate cancer but also to assess the aggressiveness of the disease allowing risk stratification to active surveillance or intervention
ANGLE plc (AIM:AGL OTCQX:ANPCY), the specialist medtech company, is delighted to announce that the results of Barts Cancer Institute’s ongoing work with ANGLE’s Parsortix system have provided evidence in support of the use of Parsortix in the detection and assessment of prostate cancer
Mar 21, 2016
MUNICH, GERMANY - Mar 8, 2016 - Definiens, the pioneer in Tissue Phenomics solutions for diagnostics development and commercialization, today announced the release of a new service, the Immunoprofiling Panel, to enable pharmaceutical companies, companion diagnostic developers and academic research centers working in immuno-oncology to quickly screen their target biomarkers and measure immune response
Mar 8, 2016
LUND, SWEDEN - Dec 4, 2015 -
LUND, Sweden
― CREATE Health Translational Cancer Center, Lund, Sweden in collaboration with Immunovia today announced that they have completed a retrospective study demonstrating that the IMMray™ PanCan-d test is able to differentiate with 96% accuracy patients with early resectable stages of pancreatic cancer, stage I and II, from the healthy controls
Dec 4, 2015
NEEDHAM, MA, UNITED STATES - Oct 14, 2015 - For more information:Dan MillerInsight Pharma Reportsdmiller@healthtech.com781-972-5492 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Insight Pharma Reports Announces Biomanufacturing Capacity Strategies: Developing a Flexible, Scalable and lean Biomanufacturing system
Oct 14, 2015
NEEDHAM, MA, UNITED STATES - Jun 19, 2015 - Insight Pharma Reports' releases the
report, The Human Microbiome: Biomedical Implications and Birth of
a Market, which covers the evolution of microbiome research
and its growth in the commercial market
Jun 19, 2015
NEEDHAM, MA, UNITED STATES - Jun 19, 2015 - Insight Pharma Reports, a division of Cambridge Healthtech Institute, releases a new market study focusing on marketing to life scientists
Jun 19, 2015