Latest News

  • MRD in 2023: Current Capabilities, Differing Approaches, and Tests on the Horizon

    Diagnostics World News | An array of diagnostics companies have set their sights on developing minimal residual disease tests capable of detecting low levels of cancer cells remaining in the body following surgery or other types of treatment. The aim is to help measure response to therapy and identify patients at risk of relapse.

    Mar 16, 2023
  • New Telomere Measuring Method Addressing Limitations Of Current Options

    Diagnostics World News | A research collaboration led by led by Duke-NUS Medical School and National Heart Centre Singapore has set the stage for telomere measurement to one day be added to the list of clinical-grade methods for assessing biological aging. The focus is on rapid and precise measurement of individual telomeres using a technique that employs “telobaits” that latch onto the ends of telomeres in large pools of DNA fragments.

    Mar 14, 2023
  • Craig Venter on Genomics’ Past and Precision Medicine’s Future

    Diagnostics World News | Kevin Davies and Craig Venter sat down together to celebrate thirty years of the Molecular and Precision Med Tri-Con this week in San Diego on Monday night. Davies—the founding editor of Bio-IT World—gave a guided tour of human genomic research and sequencing since 1991 with Venter offering first person color commentary along the way.

    Mar 9, 2023
  • Illumina, Myriad Partner To Release HRD Test

    Diagnostics World News | Illumina’s TruSight Oncology 500 HRD, a research-use-only oncology homologous recombination deficiency test, is now available in the US thanks to an expanded partnership between Illumina and Myriad Genetics. The expanded partnership also establishes a unique companion diagnostic alliance for the pharmaceutical industry, which will enable more clinical research for gene-based, targeted therapies.

    Mar 8, 2023
  • Pharma-Diagnostics Lockstep: How Two Industries Can Work Together for Precision Medicine

    Diagnostics World News | Sarah Hersey, VP of Precision Medicine at Bristol Myers Squibb, gave a balanced view of the challenges and opportunities facing precision medicine in her keynote address at the Molecular & Precision Medicine Tri-Conference in San Diego this week. After her presentation she was joined by others in the space to talk about the future for diagnostics and precision medicine.

    Mar 7, 2023